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5 Things You Can Do Around Your Home to Make Someone Feel Loved on Valentine's Day

Written by Amy Wood | 05 February, 2015, 10:04AM

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to express love and show appreciation. But does a box of chocolates really communicate those things? If you’re still looking for that perfect Valentine’s Day gift, you may need to think outside the candy box.

While candy, flowers, and jewelry are nice, what really communicates love and appreciation is doing something for someone else that they really want to have done—but can’t do themselves, or really don’t want to do. Here are just a few things that often need to be done around the house, but don’t happen because they’re not all that much fun.

Clean the Fridge—Inside and Out.

It’s nice to be able to grab something out of the refrigerator anytime you want. But when the fridge gets jammed, it’s hard to find what you want. When food is jammed into the fridge, it’s easy for stuff to get spilled. That makes a mess and can lead to unpleasant odors. Clean out the fridge for your sweetheart. Throw away stuff that’s past its “use-by” date. Clean the shelves, and put things back in an orderly manner. While you’re in cleaning mode, pull the fridge out from the wall and vacuum the coils. It will improve your refrigerator’s performance.

Clean and Organize the Garage.

For a lot of us, the garage becomes a big exterior “junk drawer.” We stash stuff there because we’re not sure where to put it. But the garage is often the first thing we see when coming into the house. Clean and organize the garage to make your entrance a welcome one. This time of year, garage floors can be really dirty from melting snow, and that dirt gets tracked into the house. Sweep the garage floor thoroughly and put down a small cotton throw rug to catch some of that dirt before it gets into the house.

Take a “Tightening” Tour Around the House.

If you (like millions of others) watched National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation over the holidays, you may remember how Clark Griswold “fixes” the newel post in his house with a chain saw. Chances are you have things all over the house that need tightening or adjusting. Take a “tightening” tour and bring doorknobs and hinges back to optimal performance. It’s amazing how small things like that make your home more livable. (But you may want to leave the chainsaw in the garage)

Launder the Laundry Room.

The laundry room is another one of those spaces that is often “out-of-sight-out-of-mind.” Generally it’s not on anyone’s list as a favorite room in the house. Doing laundry is enough of a chore, but if the room is messy and dirty—that makes it worse. Organize the room. Sweep and vacuum to get all that excess lint and dust out. Mop the floor so that it’s clean. And if you’ve thrown clothes on the floor there that really should be thrown out—get rid of them!

Give a Dream.

Maybe what your sweetheart has always want a remodeled bathroom, a breakfast nook or an incredibly organized pantry. Single room remodeling projects or small handyman projects are great ideas for amazing Valentine’s Day gifts. Depending on the size of the project, a small remodel can be completed in a little as a day. If you’re looking for ideas, take a look at the features offered in Country Classics homes for remodeling project ideas you can turn into gifts for your loved one!

By the way, even if you deliver on all of the above as a Valentine’s Day offering—don’t forget the flowers!