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What You Should Get Rid of When Downsizing

By Amy Wood in Moving, in Downsizing


13 hours ago

Downsizing offers an excellent solution if you plan to retire soon, have more house than you can handle, or want to simplify your life. If you’re considering downsizing, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, more than 60 percent of people living in homes larger than 2,000-square-feet said they would prefer smaller houses if they moved, according to a 2017 Trulia survey.

Unless you embraced minimalism long before it was popular, your belongings probably won’t fit in your new house or apartment. Choosing what to keep and what to throw away or donate will involve some hard decisions. If you’re moving soon, it may be time to get rid of these items once and for all.

Extra Clothing 

Your closet may be overflowing, but do you really need all of those clothes? If you haven’t worn an item in a year, it’s probably safe to toss it or donate it. Have you been meaning to fix the seam on that pair of pants you split back in 2014? If you haven’t repaired or cleaned damaged or stained clothing after a few months, you’ll probably never do it. Throwing out the clothing will give you more room in your closet in your new home.

While you’re completing your purge, toss or donate:

  • Out-of-Style Clothing: Even when clothing comes back in fashion, the style is usually slightly different than the original. If the clothing has sentimental value, keep one of the items and get rid of the rest.
  • Big or Small Clothing: Get rid of clothing that doesn’t fit or doesn’t work with your body type.
  • Duplicates: Keep the item that is in the best condition and toss or donate the others.
  • Uncomfortable Clothing and Shoes: We all have clothing or shoes that may look perfectly fine but aren’t so comfortable if they’re worn for more than 30 minutes. Get rid of that itchy sweater, and throw out the shoes that give you bloody blisters.


Although you certainly don’t have to give up all of your books when you move, you will probably want to pare down your collection. Keep books that you’ll read more than once or need for work. Thanks to digital books, you can continue to indulge your love of reading without adding more hardcover or paperback books to your home.

Kitchen Items 

How many mixing bowls and cookie sheets will you really need in your new home? Think about the meals you make the most often and the pans, pots, bowls, and utensils you need to make your favorite foods. If you don’t expect to use a kitchen item at least every six months, it’s probably safe to find a new home for it.

Sports Equipment 

When you live in a large home, sports equipment is often hidden away in a garage or basement where it’s out of the way. If your new home is substantially smaller than your old one or won’t have a basement or garage, you may discover that your equipment takes up more room than you anticipated.

 Pair down your equipment to essential items. If you can’t find a place to keep your equipment in your new home, some apartment communities, like Fairway 28, a Country Classics Rental Community, offer storage units for an extra fee.

Outdoor Furniture 

Downsizing your home often means that you also have less outdoor space. You may need to find a new home for some of your outdoor furniture and equipment, or buy new furniture that’s a better fit for your new patio, balcony, or backyard.


Whether you collect baseball cards, coins, dolls, wine or snow globes, you might not have enough room for your collection in your new home. That doesn’t mean you have to get rid of your entire collection. Make room for the most important pieces and sell or donate the rest.


Other items that you may need to limit or eliminate when you move include:

  • Artwork
  • Knickknacks
  • Plants
  • Luggage
  • Sound equipment
  • Furniture that won’t fit in your new home
  • Holiday decorations
  • Mementos (Keep the most important and take photographs of the rest.)
  • Old toys
  • Extra sheets, towels, pillows and blankets
  • Outdated paperwork and magazines

If you’re ready to downsize, a Country Classics apartment may be the perfect place for you. Our website offers plenty of information on our luxurious rental communities in Central New Jersey.


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Amy Wood

Vice President of Operations at Country Classics

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